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Meet the MO Tax Relief Now Board
& Get answers to frequently asked questions

Meet the Board of Directors


About MO Tax Relief Now

MO Tax Relief Now is a volunteer citizen advocacy group with almost 10,000 members across Missouri, It was founded in 2007 by Dennis Ganahl and a band of volunteers, just like you, who wanted fair property taxes. Our goal is to build a network of voters who will help get tax-cut bills passed every year during the legislative sessions.

In 2007, we changed how property taxes were assessed. Back then if your home’s value went up 20% so did your taxes. Through grit and determination, we overcame intense opposition from local governments, school districts, fire departments, ambulance districts, and libraries. The legislature, led by Senator Michael Gibbons, President Pro-Tem, passed SB 711 to stop the windfall property tax increases. MO Tax Relief Now also supported, then-State Representative, now US Senator, Eric Schmitt to pass a bill making the St. Louis County Assessor an elected position instead of being appointed by the St. Louis County Executive.


In 2023 because of runaway tax increases due to inflation, MO Tax Relief Now reconstituted itself and supported property tax relief for seniors. We were able to help get SB190 passed by a 187-3 vote. SB 190 exempts Social Security and public pension income from Missouri income taxes. SB 190 also gives 115 Missouri counties the authority to freeze a senior’s property taxes on their primary residence. If counties don’t freeze property taxes for senior citizens, people have the right to have a petition drive and put it on a county-wide ballot. It’s estimated SB 190 will save seniors $309+ million a year. In 2024, MO Tax Relief Now and Representative Ben Keathley and Senator Tony Luetkemeyer collaborated to pass SB 756 which clarified SB 190 and stopped counties from not following the state statute.

How you can help MO Tax Relief Now cut your taxes

We need your help. It takes time and money to cut your taxes. First, we need you to become a volunteer, and if you can afford it, we’d appreciate a $50 or more donation to help us pay expenses to maintain our website, and advocate for tax cuts to the legislators. Our directors and everyone who works with MO Tax Relief Now are volunteers. We do hire a few experts to us maintain our website and to create necessary materials to advocate for our tax initiatives with legislators and state officeholders.

Please join our volunteer team

We need different types of help from our volunteers. We need thousands of people to call and email legislators during the session to advocate for tax cut bills we support. It is a very effective strategy when a legislator receives hundreds of calls and emails. We estimate tens of thousands of emails and calls were generated to legislators over the last two years by our volunteers. We also need people to personally advocate with legislators during the legislative session in Jefferson City.

You don’t need to reach out to us to help with emails and calls. All you need to do is email or call legislators we identify in our regular emails. Legislators told us they received hundreds of calls and emails when we’d send our notices to our members.

Please consider going to Jefferson City to personally meet with legislators and their staff
members with us. Legislators respond positively when they meet and talk with actual voters. Reach out and send us an email to find out more about this opportunity. 


We need all of you to recruit your friends and neighbors to join our team of volunteers, and get them signed up on our website. To date, we've worked with almost 60 Missouri counties to freeze 80% of Missouri's seniors property taxes.

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